Bible Lessons: Lessons are laid out in an easy-to-follow format that walks the teacher right through the morning. Materials needed for each lesson segment are listed in a column on the right. Lessons may be 3-hole punched for storage in a binder. A special set of instructions for the ‘Preparer of Materials’ insures that the teachers will have everything they need on Sunday morning.
Bible Story Picture Cards: One distinguishing feature of the Crystal River Early Bible Curriculum is beautifully illustrated 8½ x 11 Bible story picture cards, many with moveable parts! Each weekly lesson has an average of 8 to 12 visual aid cards. The teacher reads the Bible story printed on the back of the big cards while the illustrations engage the children. At appropriate moments, moveable parts are used to bring the reality of the story to the children.
And it works! They’re captivated! They want you to move the parts over and over again! About half of the picture card sets employ moveable parts which are easy to cut out and assemble. Complete instructions are provided.
Arrival Activities: Some children arrive a bit early. The arrival activities help ease any separation anxiety and keep the children occupied until all of them have arrived and the teachers are ready to begin the lesson.
Bible Verse Memory: Through many creative means, the Bible Words are reiterated to help the children retain them in mind and heart.
Bible Story Coloring pages: One or two of the picture card scenes is included in each lesson as black and white line drawings which may be copied to make coloring pages. Pages include a statement of the lesson theme or a scripture reference, again reinforcing the lesson.
Crafts: We’re talking about things to make and take home! This takes place in ‘Small Group Activity’ time. Coloring, gluing and ‘sticking things on’ results in something personal to show Mom and Dad. “See what I made!”
Re-living the Story: The children act out the Bible story or play a game that focuses on the Bible theme for the day. God’s Word is thus made more personal through experience. We aim to touch the hearts!
Puppet skits: Original stories with simple puppets made out of lots of different things! Complete patterns are provided. The puppets are used in skits to illustrate and expand on the Bible lesson as well as personalize and apply it.
Praise & Worship: Lyrics are provided for many songs that utilize familiar nursery rhyme tunes with new, Bible-based words. Others are familiar public domain songs.
Prayer: Teaching the children to pray and then giving them an opportunity to talk to God is so important. Each lesson encourages prayer based on the lesson theme. This helps the children to see God at work in their lives in specific ways. Listening to the children pray often gives helpful insight into what’s going on inside them.
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