Helping Children Touch Jesus
Crystal River Publishing is pleased to offer our comprehensive, visual-rich Early Bible Curriculum for your pre-school, pre-K or early elementary Children’s Church program, ages 2 thru 8 years old.
We invite you to take advantage of our FREE LESSON OFFER! You will receive a complete weekly lesson FREE to keep and use. What better way to get acquainted with the engaging and feature-rich children’s Early Bible Curriculum that has been ‘Helping Children Touch Jesus’.

Preschool Bible Lessons
Why choose the Crystal River Preschool Curriculum?
- Whether you are teaching 10 children or 100, you pay one price and print as many copies of the lesson materials as you need! There is no annual fee. If materials become lost, damaged or worn out, you simply print more. Once purchased, the Crystal River Pre-school Curriculum is a perpetually renewable resource!
- The curriculum makes use of every learning style and holds the attention of even very young children.
- Children can’t take their eyes off of the many beautiful visuals. They are delighted by the moveable parts in many of the lessons. The stories are Biblically sound and are written to engage the children in what’s going on.
- Churches that use the Crystal River Pre-school Curriculum keep asking for more! It truly meets the needs of young children as well as the teachers!
- This curriculum is a great fit for both small and large churches. It is suitable for multiple ages. The many engaging visuals allow more of God’s Word to be taught as the children’s attention is held.
- Lessons for December through April about the Life of Jesus have the Bible story picture cards, a coloring page and puppet skit, as well as directions for using the curriculum, translated into Spanish!
Featured Testimonials
“My teachers all say that this is the finest curriculum available for young children. Not only does it capture the children’s imagination, but it is also ‘teacher-friendly’. It is beautiful, scripturally sound and simple to utilize. Thank you for this invaluable tool.”
The children are fascinated by the artwork and moveable parts. When they have a visual as well as audible story, they receive it so well. The children really enjoy the ‘hands-on’ parts and all the different elements of the curriculum really drive the story home.
Thank you so much for the three lessons. They are beautiful! On behalf of our church and the children who come to learn each week… THANK YOU!!! You are really blessing the Body of Christ and I pray HIS blessings on your work.”
I am grateful and inspired when I remember my exposure to my parents’ Early Bible Curriculum as a child. I believe my parents have captured a reverence and awe, along with a joy and enthusiasm, that is rare today in much Christian children’s material.